One would also say that the ease of use of both programs is identically effortless. Telegram is one of WhatsApp’s biggest competitors, considering how the two chat messengers share many similarities. This brings us to talk about the final video calling software that has made the cut for this list. Whether you wish to get the Play Store version of the app or head over to its browser-based variant, that’s totally up to you. And the best part? Using Google Meet on a Chromebook is a cakewalk you can record meetings with the software painlessly. Moreover, it’s possible to schedule Meet calls in Calendar and have them come up on the relevant day to sustain productivity. For starters, the application lets you join calls from Docs, Slides, and Sheets and combines well with Google Calendar. One thing that gives Meet an edge over other video calling software is how it integrates with different programs for seamless usability. Meet is loaded to the brim with features, but most importantly, it is fast, reliable, and universally compatible with all types of devices, whether Chromebooks, smartphones, Windows PCs, or Macs. Starting things off strong for us is Google Meet-the tech giant’s home-grown video calling software that it now employs across the world effectively.